Human Resources Case Interview: Step-By-Step Guide

Human Resources case interview

Have an upcoming Human Resources case interview and don’t know how to prepare? Don’t worry because we have you covered!


In this article, we’ll cover:


  • What is a Human Resources case interview?


  • How to solve any Human Resources case interview


  • Essential Human Resources case interview frameworks


  • Human Resources case interview example


If you’re looking for a step-by-step shortcut to learn case interviews quickly, enroll in our case interview course. These insider strategies from a former Bain interviewer helped 30,000+ land consulting offers while saving hundreds of hours of prep time.


What is a Human Resources Case Interview?


A Human Resources case interview is a type of interview used in the hiring process for HR consulting-related roles, where candidates are presented with hypothetical or real-world HR scenarios and are asked to analyze, solve, and provide recommendations for the given situations.


The purpose of a HR case interview is to assess the candidate's problem-solving skills, analytical thinking, HR knowledge, and ability to apply HR principles in practical situations.


During a HR case interview, candidates are typically given a description of a specific HR challenge, issue, or scenario.


They are then expected to discuss their thought process, ask clarifying questions, identify the underlying problems, propose possible solutions, and explain the rationale behind their recommendations.


The interviewers are looking for candidates who can demonstrate their ability to think critically, understand the complexities of HR issues, and offer strategic and practical solutions.


The scenarios presented in HR case interviews can cover a wide range of topics within the HR field, including:


  • Talent Acquisition and Recruitment: Candidates might be asked to devise a strategy for attracting and selecting the best candidates for a specific position or organization


  • Employee Development and Training: The interview scenario could involve designing a training program to improve employee skills and performance


  • Performance Management: Candidates might need to address issues related to employee performance evaluation, feedback, and improvement


  • Compensation and Benefits: Scenarios may revolve around designing competitive compensation packages or benefits programs


  • Diversity and Inclusion: Candidates could be asked to develop initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion within the workplace


  • Employee Relations and Conflict Resolution: The case might involve managing interpersonal conflicts or addressing employee grievances


  • Organizational Change and Restructuring: Candidates could be presented with scenarios related to managing organizational changes, such as mergers, acquisitions, or restructurings


  • HR Strategy and Planning: The case could require candidates to develop long-term HR strategies aligned with the organization's goals


The key to performing well in a HR case interview is to demonstrate a structured approach to problem-solving, a solid understanding of HR principles and best practices, clear communication skills, and the ability to think strategically.


Candidates should break down the problem, consider multiple perspectives, and provide practical and actionable recommendations.


It's important to note that the format and structure of HR case interviews can vary between companies. Some companies might provide candidates with written case materials to review in advance, while others might present the case during the interview itself.


As with any interview, thorough preparation, practice, and research on the company's HR practices and industry trends are essential for success in a HR case interview.


How to Solve a Human Resources Case Interview


There are seven steps to solve a Human Resources case interview.


1. Understand the case


Understanding the case scenario is the foundation of effective problem-solving. Read or listen to the scenario carefully, absorbing the context, key stakeholders, and central issues. 


For example, if the case presents a situation involving declining employee morale and engagement, you'd want to grasp the factors contributing to this decline and the potential consequences for the organization.


2. Ask clarifying questions


Asking thoughtful clarifying questions demonstrates your ability to extract crucial details and gain a comprehensive understanding of the situation. 


For instance, if the case revolves around a sudden increase in turnover, you might inquire about specific departments or roles affected, reasons employees cite for leaving, and any recent organizational changes that could be relevant.


3. Develop a structured approach


Structuring your analysis provides a roadmap for addressing the case logically. A structured framework ensures you cover all necessary aspects and maintains a clear flow of your analysis.


The next section of this article covers essential frameworks you should be familiar with in detail.


4. Gather information 


After understanding the case and asking clarifying questions, use the information you've gathered to delve deeper into the issues. Collect data from the case materials and consider applying relevant HR concepts.


For instance, if the case involves a performance issue among a certain team, you'd want to assess the team dynamics, individual competencies, and possible external factors influencing performance.


5. Propose solutions


Based on your analysis, propose concrete and actionable solutions for each identified issue. These solutions should align with HR best practices and the organization's values. 


If the case highlights a challenge related to attracting top talent, your solutions could range from improving employer branding to enhancing the interview process to increase candidate quality.


6. Evaluate trade-offs


Weighing the pros and cons of each solution demonstrates your critical thinking. Discuss the potential benefits, drawbacks, and implications of implementing your proposed solutions. This showcases your ability to consider multiple perspectives. 


For example, when addressing an employee retention problem, you'd need to assess the costs of implementing retention programs versus the costs of continued turnover.


7. Develop a recommendation


Culminate your analysis by crafting a well-founded recommendation that considers the organization's goals, HR best practices, and the context of the case. Your recommendation should offer a clear path forward. 


If the case centers on improving diversity and inclusion, your recommendation might encompass strategies such as unconscious bias training, diverse recruitment initiatives, and mentoring programs.


In addition to Human Resources case interviews, we also have additional step-by-step guides to: market entry case interviews, growth strategy case interviews, M&A case interviews, pricing case interviews, operations case interviews, and marketing case interviews.


Essential Human Resources Case Interview Frameworks


There are a few Human Resources case interview frameworks you should be familiar with. These are helpful ways of organizing your thoughts and ideas into a structured and systematic approach.


However, we do not recommend using these frameworks word-for-word. You should demonstrate to the interviewer that you can think critically for yourself instead of relying on memorized frameworks.


You should instead be creating your own unique and tailored framework for each Human Resources case interview scenario.


Therefore, your framework may include parts and pieces of the frameworks below, but you should not just copy them.


The PPT Framework


The PPT framework stands for People, Processes, and Technologies, and it's a valuable approach for analyzing and solving Human Resources (HR) challenges in case interviews. This framework focuses on three key dimensions that are often interconnected in HR scenarios. Let's delve into each component:


1. People


In this dimension, you'll consider the human aspects of the HR challenge presented in the case. This involves assessing how employees, managers, and stakeholders are affected by the issue and how they contribute to potential solutions.


Some points to address include:


  • Employee Engagement and Morale: Examine how the challenge impacts employee satisfaction and motivation


  • Leadership and Management: Evaluate how managers' actions and behaviors contribute to or alleviate the challenge


  • Communication and Collaboration: Analyze how effective communication and collaboration among employees can influence the situation


  • Training and Development: Consider how training and development initiatives can address skill gaps related to the challenge


  • Organizational Culture: Explore how the existing culture supports or hinders the resolution of the challenge


2. Processes


This dimension focuses on HR processes, policies, and practices that are relevant to the case. You'll assess how these existing processes might contribute to the challenge and propose adjustments or new processes to address it.


Some aspects to consider are:


  • Recruitment and Onboarding: Evaluate how the recruitment process might be impacting the issue and suggest improvements


  • Performance Management: Examine how performance evaluation and feedback processes relate to the challenge


  • Employee Development: Analyze training, mentoring, and career advancement processes as they pertain to the issue


  • Compensation and Benefits: Consider whether compensation structures contribute to or mitigate the challenge


  • Conflict Resolution: Address how existing conflict resolution processes can be used to address any interpersonal challenges


3. Technologies


This dimension focuses on the technological tools and systems that can support HR processes and solutions. Modern technologies can greatly impact HR practices and provide innovative ways to solve challenges.


Consider the following:


  • HR Information Systems (HRIS): Explore how HRIS can streamline processes and provide data for decision-making


  • Performance Tracking Tools: Assess how tools for monitoring employee performance can aid in addressing the challenge


  • Learning Management Systems (LMS): Examine how an LMS could be used for training and development initiatives


  • Recruitment Platforms: Analyze how technology can optimize recruitment efforts and attract suitable candidates


  • Employee Feedback Platforms: Consider tools that facilitate employee feedback and engagement measurement


The PESTEL Framework


The PESTEL framework is a strategic analysis tool that helps examine various external factors affecting a business or organization. It stands for Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal factors.


When applied to Human Resources (HR) case interviews, the PESTEL framework allows you to consider the broader context that impacts HR challenges and solutions.


Here's how you can use each dimension of the framework in the context of HR cases:


1. Political Factors


Political factors encompass the impact of government policies, regulations, and political stability on HR challenges. In the context of HR case interviews, consider how political factors influence:


  • Labor Laws and Regulations: Analyze how labor laws and regulations affect HR practices, such as employment contracts, working hours, and employee rights.


  • Immigration Policies: Examine how immigration policies impact talent acquisition and workforce diversity.


  • Health and Safety Regulations: Consider how workplace safety regulations influence HR strategies for employee well-being.


2. Economic Factors


Economic factors relate to the broader economic environment, including inflation, economic growth, and market conditions. In HR case interviews, consider how economic factors affect:


  • Labor Market Conditions: Evaluate how economic cycles impact talent availability, hiring, and compensation negotiations


  • Compensation and Benefits: Examine how economic conditions influence decisions about employee compensation and benefits packages


  • Budget Constraints: Analyze how economic fluctuations can affect HR budgets for training, development, and recruitment


3. Social Factors


Social factors encompass cultural trends, demographic shifts, and societal attitudes that impact HR challenges. In HR case interviews, think about how social factors influence:


  • Diversity and Inclusion: Consider how societal attitudes towards diversity impact HR initiatives for inclusion and representation


  • Work-Life Balance: Examine how changing societal expectations affect employee preferences for work-life balance and flexible arrangements


  • Generational Differences: Analyze how different generations' values and expectations influence HR strategies for employee engagement and motivation


4. Technological Factors


Technological factors refer to advancements that impact HR practices and solutions. In HR case interviews, consider how technological factors influence:


  • HR Information Systems (HRIS): Examine how technology can enhance HR processes, such as data management, recruitment, and performance evaluation


  • Remote Work Technology: Analyze how technology enables remote work and its implications for HR policies and practices


  • Learning Platforms: Consider how technology supports employee learning and development through online training platforms


5. Environmental Factors


Environmental factors pertain to sustainability, ecological concerns, and corporate social responsibility. In HR case interviews, consider how environmental factors influence:


  • Sustainability Initiatives: Examine how an organization's commitment to environmental sustainability impacts HR strategies, such as commuting policies and eco-friendly practices


  • Employee Well-being: Analyze how a healthy and sustainable work environment contributes to employee well-being and job satisfaction


6. Legal Factors


Legal factors encompass laws and regulations that affect HR practices and employment relationships. In HR case interviews, consider how legal factors influence:


  • Employment Contracts: Examine how legal requirements for employment contracts and agreements shape HR policies


  • Discrimination and Harassment Laws: Analyze how legal regulations on discrimination and harassment impact HR initiatives for diversity and inclusion


  • Data Privacy Regulations: Consider how data privacy laws influence the collection and management of employee data


Human Resources Case Interview Examples


Example #1: A company's employee engagement has been declining. Develop an HR strategy to address this issue.


To solve this case, you would start by understanding the current engagement levels, analyzing potential causes, and identifying specific areas for improvement. Then, propose initiatives that focus on aspects like recognition programs, career development opportunities, and fostering a positive work culture. Consider how each initiative aligns with the organization's values and goals, and provide an implementation plan detailing roles, timelines, and metrics for success.


Example #2: A retail company is experiencing high turnover rates among its sales team. How would you address this issue?


Begin by assessing the reasons behind the turnover, considering factors such as compensation, work environment, and career growth. Propose solutions such as conducting exit interviews to gather feedback, adjusting compensation packages, implementing mentorship programs, and providing clear paths for career advancement. Highlight the importance of retaining talented employees and outline the steps needed to execute your recommendations.


Example #3: A tech company wants to enhance diversity and inclusion in its workforce. Develop strategies to achieve this goal.


Start by understanding the company's current demographics and analyzing potential barriers to diversity. Propose initiatives such as unconscious bias training for hiring managers, targeted recruitment efforts to attract underrepresented groups, and affinity groups to foster a sense of belonging. Emphasize the value of diversity in driving innovation and ensuring a representative workforce, and provide methods to measure the impact of your strategies.


Example #4: An organization's performance management process is outdated. How would you redesign it?


Begin by evaluating the existing performance management process and identifying its weaknesses. Propose solutions such as implementing continuous feedback mechanisms, setting clear performance goals aligned with company objectives, and utilizing technology for real-time performance tracking. Emphasize the importance of employee development and aligning individual goals with overall organizational success.


Example #5: A multinational company wants to create a leadership development program. How would you design and implement it?


Start by identifying the leadership skills and competencies required for the company's future success. Develop a comprehensive program that includes leadership training workshops, mentorship opportunities, and experiential learning projects. Consider how to measure the program's effectiveness and tailor the content to different leadership levels within the organization.


Example #6: A company wants to establish a remote work policy post-pandemic. How would you design and implement this policy?


Begin by analyzing the organization's needs, considering roles suitable for remote work, and potential challenges. Develop a policy that outlines expectations, communication protocols, performance measurement methods, and technology requirements. Address concerns about productivity and collaboration and provide guidelines for maintaining work-life balance while working remotely.


Example #7: Two companies are merging, leading to cultural clashes and resistance among employees. How would you manage this change?


Begin by understanding the unique cultures of both companies and identifying areas of alignment and divergence. Develop a change management plan that includes clear communication, involving key stakeholders in decision-making, and addressing concerns through town hall meetings and Q&A sessions. Emphasize the benefits of the merger and outline how employees' roles and responsibilities will be impacted positively.


For more practice, check out our article on 23 MBA consulting casebooks with 700+ free practice cases.


Land Your Dream Consulting Job


Here are the resources we recommend to land your dream consulting job:


For help landing consulting interviews



For help passing case interviews


  • Comprehensive Case Interview Course (our #1 recommendation): The only resource you need. Whether you have no business background, rusty math skills, or are short on time, this step-by-step course will transform you into a top 1% caser that lands multiple consulting offers.



  • Hacking the Case Interview Book (available on Amazon): Perfect for beginners that are short on time. Transform yourself from a stressed-out case interview newbie to a confident intermediate in under a week. Some readers finish this book in a day and can already tackle tough cases.


  • The Ultimate Case Interview Workbook (available on Amazon): Perfect for intermediates struggling with frameworks, case math, or generating business insights. No need to find a case partner – these drills, practice problems, and full-length cases can all be done by yourself.


For help passing consulting behavioral & fit interviews


  • Behavioral & Fit Interview Course: Be prepared for 98% of behavioral and fit questions in just a few hours. We'll teach you exactly how to draft answers that will impress your interviewer.