Supply Chain Case Interview: Step-By-Step Guide

Supply chain case interview

Have an upcoming supply chain case interview and don’t know how to prepare? We have you covered!


In this article, we’ll cover what a supply chain case interview is, a step-by-step guide to solve any supply chain case, and a comprehensive review of the basics of supply chains.

If you’re looking for a step-by-step shortcut to learn case interviews quickly, enroll in our case interview course. These insider strategies from a former Bain interviewer helped 30,000+ land consulting offers while saving hundreds of hours of prep time.


What is a Supply Chain Case Interview?


A supply chain case interview is a type of consulting case interview that focuses on evaluating a candidate's ability to analyze and solve complex supply chain-related problems.


In this type of interview, candidates are presented with a hypothetical business scenario or real-world supply chain challenge and are expected to provide structured and logical solutions.


Supply chain cases typically involve various aspects of the supply chain process, such as sourcing, procurement, production, distribution, inventory management, and logistics.


Candidates are often required to assess the efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and overall optimization of the supply chain operations.


To excel in a supply chain case interview, candidates need to demonstrate strong analytical skills, problem-solving abilities, attention to detail, and an understanding of supply chain concepts and principles.


They must also showcase their capability to develop actionable recommendations that address the challenges presented in the case.


Candidates should expect to use quantitative analysis, data interpretation, and logical reasoning to formulate their solutions.


Additionally, effective communication skills are crucial to explain their thought process, assumptions, and recommendations clearly to the interviewers.


How to Solve a Supply Chain Case Interview


There are eight steps to solve a supply chain case interview.


Be aware that your supply chain case interview may cover all of these steps, or it may skip some of these steps, depending on what the interviewer wants to focus their time on.


1. Understand the case


At the outset of a supply chain case interview, your priority is to thoroughly understand the context and the challenges presented by the case.


Pay close attention to any clues provided about the company's operations, suppliers, customers, distribution methods, and potential pain points in its supply chain.


Clarify any uncertainties by asking insightful questions that can help you gather relevant information.


By gaining a clear understanding of the case context and objectives, you'll be better equipped to define the problem, formulate a structured approach, and ultimately arrive at effective solutions to address the supply chain challenges presented in the case.


2. Define the problem


Once you have a solid grasp of the case details, move on to defining the core problem or objective that needs to be addressed in the supply chain case interview.


This step involves breaking down the broader supply chain challenges into specific, actionable issues that you can analyze and provide solutions for.


Look for key pain points or bottlenecks in the supply chain process that may be impacting the company's operations, costs, efficiency, or customer satisfaction.


Articulate the problem succinctly and clearly, ensuring that your definition captures the essence of the supply chain issues at hand.


A well-defined problem will serve as the foundation for the remainder of your analysis, guiding your approach and helping you structure your recommendations effectively.


3. Gather information


In the supply chain case interview, the next critical step is to gather relevant information and data that will enable you to analyze the problem thoroughly. This involves seeking clarification from the interviewer about any aspects of the case that are not fully clear and requesting essential data points that are required for your analysis.


Additionally, you may be provided with data, charts, or graphs that simulate the company's supply chain operations.


Your ability to ask insightful questions and extract pertinent information from the available data is crucial at this stage.


As you gather information, focus on understanding the different stages of the supply chain, the key players involved, the flow of materials and products, inventory management practices, distribution channels, and any existing challenges.


Your proficiency in identifying relevant data and using it to build a comprehensive understanding of the situation will set the stage for the subsequent analysis and recommendations you'll provide in the case interview.


4. Analyze the data


With a solid grasp of the information collected, the next step in a supply chain case interview is to analyze the current supply chain operations.


This involves identifying strengths, weaknesses, bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and potential areas for improvement within the supply chain.


Utilize your problem-solving skills to break down the complex supply chain into its various components and assess how each component impacts the overall process. Consider factors such as lead times, transportation costs, inventory levels, demand forecasting accuracy, and supplier relationships.


Identify any patterns or trends in the data that may indicate areas of concern or opportunities for optimization.


This analytical phase requires a structured approach and the ability to connect the dots between different aspects of the supply chain.


Your goal is to uncover insights that will inform your recommendations for enhancing the supply chain's effectiveness, efficiency, and overall performance.


5. Identify solutions


After analyzing the supply chain, the next crucial step is to develop practical solutions and recommendations for improving its efficiency and effectiveness. This is where your creativity and problem-solving skills come into play.


Based on the insights gained from the analysis, brainstorm potential solutions to address the identified challenges or bottlenecks. Consider various strategies, such as:


  • Optimizing inventory management


  • Improving demand forecasting accuracy


  • Streamlining transportation and logistics


  • Enhancing supplier collaboration


  • Implementing technology solutions like supply chain software


Your recommendations should be tailored to the specific issues you've identified and should align with the company's overall goals and objectives.


It's important to think critically about the feasibility of each solution and its potential impact on the supply chain's performance. You may need to prioritize solutions based on their potential benefits and implementation complexity.


Ultimately, your goal is to provide actionable recommendations that can lead to tangible improvements in the supply chain's efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and overall value to the organization.


6. Evaluate trade-offs


In a supply chain case interview, the ability to assess trade-offs is a vital skill. After analyzing different options and proposing potential solutions, you need to critically evaluate the trade-offs associated with each choice.


Trade-offs often involve considerations such as cost, time, risk, and impact on various stakeholders. Determine which solution offers the best balance between different factors, taking into account both short-term benefits and long-term implications.


For example, a solution that reduces costs might lead to longer lead times or increased supply chain complexity.


Effective trade-off evaluation showcases your analytical thinking, strategic acumen, and the capacity to make informed decisions that align with the broader business objectives.


Your ability to weigh pros and cons demonstrates your capacity to handle the complexities of real-world supply chain challenges.


7. Develop recommendations


In the context of a supply chain case interview, developing recommendations is a crucial step that demonstrates your problem-solving abilities.


After thoroughly analyzing the situation, identifying potential solutions, and evaluating trade-offs, you need to formulate actionable recommendations.


Your recommendations should be aligned with the goals and objectives of the company, addressing the key issues identified earlier.


These recommendations should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART), allowing the company to implement them effectively. Consider the potential risks and challenges associated with each recommendation and propose strategies to mitigate them.


Your ability to provide clear and concise recommendations showcases your strategic thinking, practicality, and capacity to drive positive change within the supply chain.


Additionally, crafting recommendations that consider both short-term gains and long-term sustainability demonstrates your understanding of the broader business implications.


8. Quantify the impact


Quantifying the impact is a critical aspect of solving a supply chain case interview.


After proposing recommendations, you need to assess the potential outcomes of implementing these changes.


This involves using relevant metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to quantify the expected improvements in the supply chain's efficiency, cost savings, customer satisfaction, and overall business performance.


Utilize data and information provided in the case to estimate the potential financial and operational benefits of your recommendations.


By attaching specific numbers to your recommendations, you demonstrate your ability to translate strategic solutions into tangible results. Employ quantitative analysis to showcase the value your proposed changes would bring to the company's bottom line.


This step highlights your analytical skills, business acumen, and capacity to drive measurable improvements within the supply chain operations.

In addition to supply chain case interviews, we also have additional step-by-step guides to: market entry case interviews, growth strategy case interviews, M&A case interviews, pricing case interviews, operations case interviews, and marketing case interviews.


Essential Supply Chain Knowledge You Need to Know


Below are five different topics in supply chain that you should be familiar with for your supply chain case interviews.


Remember, you don’t need to be an expert or get very technical with any of these, but it will be helpful to understand what each topic is so that you have an understanding and intuition for solving supply chain problems.


1. Supply chain components


The supply chain is a complex network of interconnected activities, processes, and entities that collaborate to ensure the seamless flow of products and services from raw material suppliers to end customers.


Understanding the key components of a supply chain is essential for anyone looking to grasp the fundamentals of supply chain.


Suppliers: Suppliers provide the raw materials, components, and resources necessary for production. Selecting reliable and quality-focused suppliers is crucial to maintaining the integrity of the supply chain.


Manufacturers: Manufacturers transform raw materials into finished products through various production processes. They play a pivotal role in optimizing production efficiency and ensuring product quality.


Distributors: Distributors are responsible for storing and delivering products to various points in the supply chain. They manage inventory, transportation, and often serve as intermediaries between manufacturers and retailers.


Retailers: Retailers interact directly with end customers, selling products through various channels such as brick-and-mortar stores or online platforms. They monitor consumer demand and provide feedback to other supply chain entities.


Customers: Customers are the ultimate recipients of products or services. Their demand influences the entire supply chain, driving production, distribution, and inventory decisions.

Supply chain example


2. Supply chain activities


Supply chain activities encompass a range of interconnected processes that collaborate to ensure the efficient movement of goods, information, and resources from the initial stages of production to the end consumer.


These activities play a pivotal role in optimizing operations, reducing costs, and meeting customer demands. Let's delve into the key components of supply chain activities:


Planning and Forecasting: Effective supply chain planning involves predicting customer demand, aligning production capacities, and managing inventory levels. Accurate demand forecasting helps prevent stockouts or excess inventory, ensuring optimal resource allocation.


Sourcing and Procurement: This activity involves selecting suppliers, negotiating contracts, and acquiring raw materials or components. Sourcing decisions impact cost, quality, and lead times, influencing overall supply chain efficiency.


Production: Manufacturing is where raw materials are transformed into finished goods. Efficient production processes, quality control, and lean manufacturing techniques are crucial to meet demand while minimizing waste.


Inventory Management: Proper management of inventory levels is essential to prevent shortages and overstocks. Inventory optimization tools help strike the right balance between carrying costs and meeting customer demand.


Warehousing and Distribution: Warehouses serve as hubs for storing and distributing products. Efficient warehousing operations ensure timely delivery and minimize transportation costs by consolidating shipments.


Transportation: Moving products from one point to another is a critical aspect of supply chain activities. Selecting appropriate transportation modes, optimizing routes, and tracking shipments enhance efficiency.


Demand Fulfillment: Ensuring timely order fulfillment involves coordinating production, inventory levels, and distribution. Meeting customer orders promptly enhances customer satisfaction.


Information Flow: Information is the backbone of supply chain activities. Real-time data sharing across supply chain entities enables informed decision-making, enhances coordination, and minimizes delays.


Demand Management: Managing customer demand involves understanding market trends, analyzing consumer behavior, and aligning production to meet varying demand levels.


Supplier Relationship Management: Nurturing positive relationships with suppliers fosters collaboration and enables agile responses to changing market conditions.


Quality Control: Maintaining product quality is crucial to avoid recalls and returns. Rigorous quality control processes ensure products meet customer expectations.


Reverse Logistics: Managing the flow of goods in reverse, such as returns and recycling, is an emerging aspect of supply chain activities. Efficient reverse logistics processes reduce waste and environmental impact.


Technology Integration: Modern supply chains leverage technology such as IoT devices, RFID tags, and data analytics to monitor operations, track shipments, and optimize processes.


3. Metrics and KPIs


Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are essential tools that provide quantifiable insights into the performance of supply chain activities. They enable organizations to assess efficiency, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions. Let's explore the significance of metrics and KPIs in the supply chain context:


Operational Efficiency: Metrics such as Order Fill Rate, On-Time Delivery, and Cycle Time measure the speed and accuracy of order fulfillment. A high order fill rate indicates efficient inventory management and timely deliveries, enhancing customer satisfaction.


Inventory Management: Inventory Turnover Ratio, Days Sales of Inventory, and Holding Cost per Unit measure how effectively organizations manage their inventory. Optimizing these metrics reduces carrying costs while ensuring product availability.


Supplier Performance: Metrics like Supplier Lead Time, Supplier On-Time Delivery, and Supplier Defect Rate assess the reliability and effectiveness of suppliers. Strong supplier performance enhances production consistency and reduces supply chain disruptions.


Logistics Efficiency: Transportation Cost per Unit, Freight Cost Ratio, and Inbound Freight Cost measure transportation efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Optimizing these metrics minimizes transportation expenses while maintaining service levels.


Demand Forecast Accuracy: Forecast Accuracy, Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), and Bias measure the accuracy of demand forecasts. Accurate forecasts enable organizations to align production and inventory with actual demand.


Quality Control: Metrics such as Defect Rate, Return Rate, and Customer Complaint Rate assess product quality. Lower defect rates and return rates signify effective quality control processes.


Cash-to-Cash Cycle Time: This metric measures the time it takes for investments to turn into cash flows. A shorter cycle time indicates efficient cash flow management.


Working Capital Ratio: This ratio compares current assets to current liabilities, indicating the organization's liquidity and ability to meet short-term obligations.


Total Cost of Ownership: This metric considers all costs associated with a product's lifecycle, including acquisition, operation, maintenance, and disposal. It helps make informed procurement decisions.


Supply Chain Flexibility: Metrics like Lead Time Variability and Response Time measure the ability to adapt to changing market conditions and customer demands.


Sustainability Metrics: Environmental impact metrics, such as Carbon Footprint, Water Usage, and Energy Consumption, assess the sustainability of supply chain operations.


Customer Satisfaction Metrics: Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), Net Promoter Score (NPS), and Customer Complaint Resolution Time gauge customer satisfaction and loyalty.


4. Lean and six sigma


Lean and Six Sigma are two methodologies that play a crucial role in optimizing supply chain operations, eliminating waste, and enhancing overall efficiency.


Lean Methodology: Lean principles focus on identifying and eliminating non-value-added activities, known as waste, from the supply chain.


Waste can take various forms, including overproduction, excess inventory, defects, waiting time, unnecessary transportation, and underutilized talent.


By streamlining processes and reducing waste, organizations can improve lead times, reduce costs, and enhance customer satisfaction.


Six Sigma Methodology: Six Sigma aims to minimize process variations and defects by using data-driven methodologies to achieve consistent and predictable outcomes.


The methodology follows the DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) framework to identify root causes of inefficiencies, optimize processes, and ensure sustained improvements.


By reducing process variations, organizations can achieve higher levels of quality and reliability.


Six Sigma projects often result in significant cost savings, improved cycle times, and enhanced customer satisfaction.


The use of statistical tools and methodologies empowers supply chain professionals to make informed decisions, drive continuous improvement, and enhance the overall effectiveness of their operations.


5. Continuous improvement


Continuous improvement is a fundamental concept in supply chain management that revolves around the idea of consistently enhancing processes, practices, and outcomes to achieve higher levels of efficiency, effectiveness, and customer satisfaction.


This philosophy emphasizes that there's always room for improvement, no matter how well a supply chain is performing.


Continuous improvement involves identifying areas for enhancement, implementing changes, monitoring the results, and making further adjustments based on feedback and data.


Supply Chain Case Interview Examples


Supply Chain Case Interview Scenario #1


You are consulting for a retail company that operates multiple stores nationwide. The company is facing challenges with managing its inventory levels.


On one hand, excess inventory ties up capital and incurs storage costs, while on the other hand, inadequate inventory leads to stockouts and missed sales opportunities.


Your task is to help the company optimize its inventory levels to achieve a balance between meeting customer demand and minimizing costs.


How to Solve


Begin by clarifying the scope of the problem. Ask questions about the company's current inventory management practices, its supply chain network, and its primary challenges related to inventory levels.


Request historical sales data for the past year, including SKU-level information, lead times, reorder points, safety stock levels, and any available information on demand variability.


Examine the historical sales data to identify demand patterns, seasonality, and trends. Calculate key metrics like average demand and standard deviation of demand.


Determine the safety stock required to prevent stockouts during peak demand periods. Consider factors like lead time variability, desired service level, and demand variability.


Evaluate the company's current reorder points for each SKU. Assess whether they are aligned with demand variability, lead times, and safety stock requirements.


Analyze inventory turnover ratios for different SKUs. Identify products with consistently low turnover rates, as they may indicate excess inventory that ties up capital.


Based on your analysis, propose strategies to optimize inventory levels. This may involve adjusting reorder points, safety stock levels, and batch sizes.


Examine opportunities to reduce lead times in the supply chain. Faster replenishment can reduce the need for high safety stock levels.


Segment SKUs based on demand patterns, product characteristics, and other relevant factors. Tailor inventory management strategies to each segment.


Present your findings and recommendations to the client. Highlight potential cost savings, improved customer service levels, and enhanced supply chain efficiency through optimized inventory management.


Engage in a discussion with the interviewer, addressing any questions or concerns they may have about your analysis and recommendations.


Supply Chain Case Interview Scenario #2


You are consulting for a global consumer goods company that manufactures and distributes a wide range of products. The company is looking to optimize its distribution network to reduce costs and improve service levels.


Currently, the company operates multiple distribution centers (DCs) and warehouses around the world. Your task is to propose an optimal distribution network strategy.


How to Solve


Begin by gathering information about the company's current distribution network. Obtain data on the number and locations of DCs, transportation costs, inventory holding costs, lead times, and customer locations.


Analyze historical demand patterns across different regions and customer segments. Consider factors like seasonality, market growth, and demand variability.


Evaluate the transportation costs associated with shipping products from each DC to customer locations. Consider modes of transportation, distance, freight rates, and delivery times.


Calculate the total cost of the current distribution network, including transportation costs, inventory holding costs, warehousing costs, and any other relevant expenses.


Understand the company's desired service levels for different customer segments. This could involve factors like delivery times, order fill rates, and on-time delivery performance.


Propose alternative distribution network configurations, such as consolidating DCs, opening new DCs in strategic locations, or outsourcing distribution to third-party providers.


Quantify the trade-offs between cost reduction and service level improvement for each distribution network alternative.


Evaluate the benefits of centralizing inventory in a single location versus distributing inventory across multiple DCs. Consider factors like lead times, demand variability, and safety stock requirements.


Based on your analysis, recommend the optimal distribution network strategy that minimizes costs while meeting or exceeding service level requirements.


Discuss potential challenges and risks associated with implementing the recommended network strategy. Consider factors like operational disruptions, IT system changes, and supplier relationships.


Present your findings and recommendations to the client, highlighting the projected cost savings, improved service levels, and overall benefits of the optimized distribution network.


Engage in a discussion with the interviewer, addressing any questions or concerns they may have about your analysis and recommendations.


Recommended Consulting Interview Resources


Here are the resources we recommend to land your dream consulting job:


For help landing consulting interviews



For help passing case interviews


  • Comprehensive Case Interview Course (our #1 recommendation): The only resource you need. Whether you have no business background, rusty math skills, or are short on time, this step-by-step course will transform you into a top 1% caser that lands multiple consulting offers.



  • Hacking the Case Interview Book (available on Amazon): Perfect for beginners that are short on time. Transform yourself from a stressed-out case interview newbie to a confident intermediate in under a week. Some readers finish this book in a day and can already tackle tough cases.


  • The Ultimate Case Interview Workbook (available on Amazon): Perfect for intermediates struggling with frameworks, case math, or generating business insights. No need to find a case partner – these drills, practice problems, and full-length cases can all be done by yourself.


For help passing consulting behavioral & fit interviews


  • Behavioral & Fit Interview Course: Be prepared for 98% of behavioral and fit questions in just a few hours. We'll teach you exactly how to draft answers that will impress your interviewer.