PwC Assessment Test: Step-By-Step Guide (2024)

PwC Assessment Test

PwC assessment tests are a critical part of PwC’s interview process. You will need to nail your PwC assessment tests in order to land a job offer.


If you have an upcoming PwC assessment test, no need to stress out because we have you covered.


In this comprehensive article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about PwC assessment tests, including what skills the tests evaluate, what questions are on them, and how to prepare for them.


While preparing for PwC assessment tests, make sure that you are also preparing for your PwC case interviews in parallel.


If you’re looking for a step-by-step shortcut to learn case interviews quickly, enroll in our case interview course. These insider strategies from a former Bain interviewer helped 30,000+ land consulting offers while saving hundreds of hours of prep time.


PwC Recruiting Process


There are several steps in the PwC recruiting process: application, PwC assessment tests, HR interview, first round interview, and final round interview. Expect to be asked a mix of resume questions, behavioral questions, motivational questions, and case interviews.


  • Application: Resume and cover letter submission


  • PwC assessment tests: You may be asked to take one or more of the following: PwC Situational Judgment Test, PwC Aptitude Test / PwC Psychometric Test, or the PwC Game-Based Assessment (Career Unlock)


  • HR interview: A phone screener interview with an HR recruiter, mainly focused on resume questions


  • First round interview: Interviews with 2-3 consultants, focused on behavioral questions and case interviews


  • Final round interview: Interviews with 2-4 more senior consultants, focused on behavioral questions, motivational questions, and case interviews


Resume questions dive deeper into your experiences, accomplishments, and achievements.


Behavioral questions ask you to draw upon a time or experience in the past in which you demonstrated a particular skill or quality.


Examples include:


  • Tell me about a time when you solved a difficult problem


  • Give an example of a time when you had a disagreement


  • Describe a time when you failed


Motivational questions ask you to explain your interests and passions. You should expect to be asked why you are interested in consulting and why you want to work at PwC.


Case interviews place you in a hypothetical business scenario in which you are asked to develop a recommendation to solve a business problem. Examples of case interviews include:


  • How can a company fix its declining profitability?


  • Should a company acquire a smaller competitor?


  • Should a company enter a new geographical market?


What are PwC Assessment Tests?


There are three major types of assessments or tests that PwC uses during their recruiting process: the PwC Situational Judgment Test, the PwC Aptitude Test / PwC Psychometric Test, and the PwC Game-Based Assessment (Career Unlock).


We’ll cover each of these PwC assessment tests in more detail below.


PwC Situational Judgment Test


The PwC Situational Judgment test measures a candidate’s competency in several skills needed for the consulting job, including teamwork, conflict resolution, and interpersonal skills.


In the PwC Situational Judgment test, you will be presented with a video scenario that involves some kind of problem or tension. You will be asked how you would tackle each problem by selecting what you think is the best and worst course of action.


This test is given primarily to candidates with work experience. PwC no longer uses this test for undergraduate and graduate school recruiting.


PwC Aptitude Test / PwC Psychometric Test


PwC uses a variety of aptitude tests from SHL in their recruitment process to assess candidates that are applying for more experienced roles. These aptitude tests include the PwC numerical reasoning test, PwC verbal reasoning test, and the PwC logical reasoning test.


We’ll cover each of these PwC aptitude tests in more detail below. These tests may also be referred to as the PwC Psychometric Test.

Numerical reasoning

The PwC numerical reasoning test is a 17-minute test that consists of 12-18 multiple choice questions that evaluate your quantitative skills, specifically your ability to interpret numerical and graphical data.


You will be shown a number of different tables, graphs, and charts and then given at least two questions to answer for each. You are asked to select the best answer


Verbal reasoning

The PwC verbal reasoning test evaluates reading comprehension. You’ll be given a passage of text to read and asked to assess whether the following statements are true or false based purely on the information in the text.


Logical reasoning

The PwC logical reasoning test, also known as the abstract reasoning test or inductive reasoning test, is an 18-minute test consisting of 18 questions that show you a series of shapes and ask you to determine which shape comes next in the sequence.


PwC Game-Based Assessment (Career Unlock)


The PwC game-based assessment is developed by Arctic Shores and evaluates cognitive skills, behavioral preferences, and mathematical reasoning.


In this assessment, you will play any of 9 different game-based tests based on the position that you are applying for. These include:


  • PwC Tickets Game (memory)


  • PwC Leaflets Game / Tile Sequence Game / Repeat the Sequence Game (memory)


  • PwC Balloons Game / Box Scramble Game / Cave Gem Game (risk taking)


  • PwC Emotions Game (emotion recognition)


  • PwC Arrows Game / PwC Bulbs & Cogs Game (attention)


  • PwC Security Lock Game / PwC Rocket Launcher Game (resilience)


  • PwC Staff Rota Game (logical reasoning)


  • PwC Power Generators Game (organization and multi-tasking)


  • PwC Team Selling Game (risk taking)


These games are similar to the games played in the BCG Pymetrics Test.


What Questions are on PwC Assessment Tests?


Below, we’ve compiled all of the questions that we could find that could be asked on a PwC assessment test. While the exact questions that you receive may look slightly different, these questions should give you a close representation of what to expect on test day.


PwC Situational Judgment Test Questions


1. You are working on a team project that has a tight deadline approaching. One of your team members, Sarah, has been consistently missing deadlines and not completing her assigned tasks. This has caused frustration among the team members, as it is impacting the overall progress of the project. You are the team leader and need to address this issue.


What is the best course of action? What is the worst course of action?


  • Have a one-on-one meeting with Sarah to discuss her workload and any obstacles she may be facing. Offer assistance and support to help her meet deadlines


  • Bring up Sarah's performance issues in a team meeting, highlighting the impact on the project and discussing potential consequences if improvements are not made


  • Take over Sarah's tasks yourself to ensure they are completed on time, avoiding any further delays in the project


  • Ignore Sarah's performance issues and hope they improve on their own, risking the success of the project


  • Publicly reprimand Sarah in front of the team for her poor performance, causing embarrassment and resentment


  • Exclude Sarah from future project assignments without discussing the issue with her, assuming she is not capable of improvement


Solution: In this scenario, the best course of action would likely be the first option, as it involves addressing the issue directly while maintaining professionalism. The worst course of action would likely be the fifth option, which would severely damage your relationship with Sarah and also her reputation.


2. You are a member of a project team working on a high-profile client project. As the deadline approaches, it becomes evident that one team member, John, consistently dominates discussions and dismisses input from other team members. This behavior is causing frustration and resentment among the team, leading to decreased morale and productivity. As a team member, you need to address this issue.


What is the best course of action? What is the worst course of action?


  • Arrange a private meeting with John to discuss his behavior and its impact on the team dynamics. Provide specific examples of how his actions have affected team morale and encourage him to be more inclusive in discussions


  • Confront John during the next team meeting, calling out his behavior in front of the entire team to emphasize its negative impact on collaboration and productivity


  • Speak with the team leader privately to express concerns about John's behavior and request their intervention in addressing the issue


  • Ignore John's behavior and hope that it resolves itself over time, risking further damage to team dynamics and project success


  • Confront John aggressively, accusing him of undermining the team and demanding that he change his behavior immediately


  • Exclude John from future team meetings and discussions without attempting to address the issue directly, assuming that his behavior will continue unchanged


Solution: In this scenario, the best course of action would likely be the first option, as it involves addressing the issue directly with John while maintaining professionalism and providing constructive feedback. The worst course of action would likely be the fifth option, as publicly confronting John in a confrontational manner could escalate the situation and damage team relationships further.


3. You are a senior member of a project team tasked with developing a new product for a client. During a team meeting, it becomes apparent that there is disagreement among team members regarding the direction of the project. Some team members advocate for a conservative approach, emphasizing stability and reliability, while others argue for a more innovative and risk-taking approach to differentiate the product in the market.


What is the best course of action? What is the worst course of action?


  • Facilitate a structured discussion among team members to explore the merits of both approaches and reach a consensus on the best course of action for the project. Encourage open communication and active listening to ensure all viewpoints are considered


  • Advocate for the conservative approach during the meeting, emphasizing the importance of minimizing risk and ensuring the project's success. Suggest conducting further research and analysis to support this approach


  • Push for the innovative approach and dismiss the concerns raised by team members advocating for a conservative approach. Emphasize the potential rewards of taking calculated risks and positioning the product as a market leader


  • Ignore the differing viewpoints within the team and proceed with the project without addressing the underlying disagreements. This could lead to resentment among team members and compromise the project's success


  • Criticize team members who advocate for a different approach, labeling their ideas as impractical or unnecessary. This could create a hostile work environment and stifle creativity and collaboration


  • Refuse to consider alternative approaches and insist on implementing your preferred strategy without input from the rest of the team. This could alienate team members and lead to resistance or passive-aggressive behavior during project execution


Solution: In this scenario, the best course of action would likely be the first option, as it involves facilitating constructive dialogue and collaboration among team members to reach a consensus on the project's direction. The worst course of action would likely be the last option, as it disregards the input and concerns of other team members, potentially leading to a lack of buy-in and cooperation during project implementation.


PwC Numerical Reasoning Test Questions


1. A company produces widgets at a cost of $5 per widget. The company sells the widgets for $10 each. Last month, the company produced 5,000 widgets and sold 4,200 of them. What was the company's total profit from widget sales last month?


Solution: To solve this question, you would first calculate the total cost of producing the widgets by multiplying the cost per widget ($5) by the number of widgets produced (5,000). Then, you would calculate the total revenue from selling the widgets by multiplying the selling price per widget ($10) by the number of widgets sold (4,200). Finally, subtract the total cost from the total revenue to find the total profit ($17,000).


2. A company's revenue increased by 20% from 2019 to 2020. If the revenue in 2019 was $500,000, what was the revenue in 2020?


Solution: To solve this question, you would first calculate the increase in revenue from 2019 to 2020 by finding 20% of the revenue in 2019. Then, you would add this increase to the revenue in 2019 to find the revenue in 2020, which is $600,000.


3. A company's profit margin for the first quarter of the year was 25%. In the second quarter, the company's profit margin increased by 10% compared to the first quarter. If the company's revenue for the second quarter was $800,000, what was the company's profit for the second quarter?


Solution: The company’s profit for the second quarter was $280,000.


PwC Verbal Reasoning Test Questions


1. The internet has revolutionized the way we communicate, work, and access information. With the rise of social media platforms and online collaboration tools, individuals and businesses can connect and interact with others across the globe instantly. However, this digital age also brings challenges such as cybersecurity threats and misinformation. As we navigate the complexities of the online world, it's essential to prioritize digital literacy and cybersecurity awareness to ensure a safe and secure online environment for all.


Based on the passage, which of the following statements is most supported?


  • Social media platforms have had a negative impact on global communication.


  • Online collaboration tools have made it more difficult to connect with others.


  • Cybersecurity threats are not a significant concern in the digital age.


  • Digital literacy and cybersecurity awareness are important in the online world.


Solution: The passage emphasizes the importance of prioritizing digital literacy and cybersecurity awareness in the online world to ensure a safe and secure environment. The last option aligns with this idea.


2. Climate change is one of the most pressing issues facing our planet today. Rising temperatures, melting ice caps, and extreme weather events are all evidence of the impact of human activities on the environment. Addressing climate change requires global cooperation and concerted efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, transition to renewable energy sources, and adopt sustainable practices. By taking action now, we can mitigate the effects of climate change and build a more sustainable future for generations to come.


According to the passage, what is necessary to address climate change?


  • Increased reliance on fossil fuels


  • Global cooperation and efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions


  • Ignoring the impact of human activities on the environment


  • Continued exploitation of natural resources


Solution: The passage highlights the need for global cooperation and efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as essential steps to address climate change. The second option reflects this idea.


3. Artificial intelligence (AI) and automation are transforming industries and reshaping the workforce. While these technologies offer opportunities for increased efficiency and innovation, they also raise concerns about job displacement and economic inequality. To address these challenges, policymakers and business leaders must invest in reskilling and upskilling programs to equip workers with the skills needed for the jobs of the future. By embracing AI and automation responsibly, we can create a more inclusive and equitable society.


What is one of the main concerns associated with the impact of AI and automation?


  • Increased job opportunities


  • Economic inequality


  • Reduced innovation


  • Decreased efficiency


Solution: The passage mentions that AI and automation raise concerns about job displacement and economic inequality. The second option captures this concern highlighted in the passage.


PwC Logical Reasoning Test Questions


1. Pattern: Square, Circle, Triangle, Square, Circle, Triangle, Square, ___. What shape comes next in the pattern?


Solution: The next shape in the pattern is a Circle. The pattern alternates between three shapes: Square, Circle, Triangle. Following this sequence, the next shape after Square is Circle.


2. Pattern: Triangle, Square, Pentagon, Hexagon, ___. What shape comes next in the pattern?


Solution: The next shape in the pattern is Heptagon. The pattern follows the sequence of increasing the number of sides by one for each shape. Therefore, after Hexagon (6 sides), the next shape with one more side is Heptagon (7 sides).


3. Pattern: Circle, ___, Hexagon, Pentagon, Square, Triangle. What shape belongs in the missing blank?


Solution: The shape that belongs in the missing blank is a Heptagon. The pattern follows the sequence of shapes arranged in alphabetical order of their names. The next shape alphabetically after Hexagon is Heptagon.


PwC Game-Based Assessment (Career Unlock) Questions


Here are examples of the types of games you could see in the PwC Game-Based Assessment, also known as the Career Unlock.


1. Emotions: You will get an image of a person and a paragraph providing context for that image. You are tasked to choose the correct emotion being portrayed among 10 answer choices.


2. Digits: You’ll be shown a sequence of digits to memorize. The digits will appear one at a time. After all digits have appeared, you’ll be tasked to enter the digits in the order that you saw them. With each correct sequence, the next sequence will get longer.


3. Balloons: You will be shown a balloon that you can either sell right now or pump up. The more you pump the balloon, the bigger it will get, and the more you will be able to sell it for. However, if you pump the balloon too many times, it will pop, causing you to not receive any money.


4. Arrows: You’ll be given a row of arrows that are pointing in a particular direction. The arrows will be colored either red, blue, or black. If the arrows are blue or black, you are tasked to tap the direction of the arrows. If the arrows are red, you are tasked to tap the reverse of the arrows. This will be repeated 15-20 times. Each time, you will only need to press a direction key once.


5. Towers: You’ll be shown three towers of stacked color discs. You are tasked to rearrange these discs, moving one disc at a time until a specified tower looks like the target tower. The fewer moves you use, the better.


Why Does PwC Use PwC Assessment Tests?


There are several reasons why PwC uses online assessment tests: it is an automated way to screen candidates, it measures qualities beyond what is listed on resumes, it reduces bias in the hiring process, and it helps find employees that are a great fit for the firm.


1. The PwC assessment tests are an automated way to screen candidates


PwC does not have the resources to interview every candidate that applies. By using an automated online assessment, PwC can quickly screen through thousands of applications each year.


2. The PwC assessment tests measure qualities beyond what is listed on resumes


While a resume may provide a lot of information on a candidate’s skills and accomplishments, it provides very little information on a candidate’s personal qualities and characteristics. PwC assessment tests give recruiters additional information and data on candidates to make more informed decisions on who should receive interviews.


3. The PwC assessment tests reduce bias in the hiring process


Typically, standardized tests can be mastered through practice and memorization. Therefore, candidates from higher socio-economic backgrounds can dedicate resources to study the test and improve their performance. Candidates from lower socio-economic backgrounds typically do not have the resources to do this, which puts them at a disadvantage.


PwC assessment tests aim to remove these biases. Most tests or games cannot be as easily mastered through extensive preparation or memorization, helping even the playing field for candidates.


4. The PwC assessment tests help find employees that are a great fit for the firm


One of the goals of the PwC assessment tests is to help candidates find jobs that best fit them. The better a job fits a candidate, the more likely the candidate is to accept the job offer, perform well on the job, and stay at the company for a longer period of time. PwC assessment tests can help PwC improve on all of these desired outcomes.


What Do PwC Assessment Tests Evaluate?


PwC assessment tests assess a wide variety of cognitive traits across many categories, including: attention, decision making, effort, emotion, focus, learning, and risk tolerance.


  • Attention: Are you methodical in the way you complete tasks? Or do you prefer moving with speed?


  • Decision Making: Do you make decisions based on gut-instinct and intuition? Or do you make decisions by planning methodically?


  • Effort: Do you approach work selectively? Do you focus on the tasks that give the highest reward for the time invested?


  • Emotion: Do you interpret emotions more from facial expressions or from information present in the situation?


  • Focus: Do you think quickly and easily handle changes in environment? Can you work on multiple tasks at once? Can you adapt to changing circumstances with efficiency?


  • Learning: Do you learn quickly from mistakes? Do you find it easy to detect patterns in your environment? Do you adapt your behavior and respond to feedback with ease?


  • Risk Tolerance: Do you carefully test options and choose the safest method? How averse are you to negative outcomes?


Each of these categories has a wide spectrum of extremes. For example, looking at risk tolerance, some candidates may be extremely risk-averse while other candidates may be the complete opposite, risk-seeking.


So, what qualities should you focus on demonstrating during the PwC assessment tests?


In general, successful consultants have the following qualities:


  • Attention: Consultants need to be methodical, but also move with speed.


  • Decision Making: Consultants make decisions by planning methodically. Although gut-instinct and intuition is used, these feelings need to be supported by data to move forward.


  • Effort: Consultants are selective in how they approach work. They focus on completing tasks that give the highest rewards for the given amount of time invested.


  • Emotion: Consultants need to have great client skills. It is important to be able to read people’s emotions to understand what they are truly thinking and feeling.


  • Focus: Consultants need to quickly and easily handle changes in the environment. They need to be able to adapt. Consultants will often be working on multiple tasks at once.


  • Learning: Consultants need to be able to learn quickly, adapting their behavior and responding to feedback with ease.


  • Risk Tolerance: Consultants are fairly risk-averse. They carefully test their options and usually provide recommendations that tend to be more conservative and less controversial.


How to Prepare for PwC Assessment Tests


Preparing for PwC assessment tests involves several steps to ensure you are ready: understand the test formats, review past questions, practice taking aptitude tests, improve quantitative skills, improve reading comprehension, practice time management, and research PwC’s values and culture.


1. Understand the test formats: Familiarize yourself with the format of the test, including the types of questions and the time limit for each section. This will help you manage your time effectively during the assessment.


2. Review past questions: Look for sample questions or past test questions online to get a sense of the types of questions you may encounter. This can help you become more comfortable with the test format and identify areas where you may need additional practice.


3. Practice taking aptitude tests: PwC assessment tests often include numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning, and logical reasoning questions. Practice these types of questions through other online aptitude tests to improve your skills and familiarize yourself with the question formats.


4. Improve quantitative skills: If your math skills are rusty, you may want to brush up on your math skills. You may want to practice interpreting charts and graphs, performing basic calculations, and reviewing important formulas. Strong quantitative skills will greatly help you on the PwC numerical reasoning test.


5. Improve reading comprehension: If your reading skills are weak, you may want to read more articles and books to improve your reading comprehension. Being able to read faster while retaining the information that you have read will greatly help you on the PwC verbal reasoning test.


6. Practice time management: Practice time management strategies to ensure you can complete each section of the assessment within the allocated time. This may involve practicing under timed conditions and prioritizing questions to maximize your efficiency.


7. Research PwC's values and culture: PwC values certain attributes in its employees, such as teamwork, integrity, and client focus. Familiarize yourself with PwC's values and culture to better understand the types of behaviors and attitudes they are likely to assess in the assessment tests.


By following these tips and dedicating time to preparation, you can increase your chances of performing well on the PwC assessment test.


PwC Assessment Test Tips


To perform your best on PwC assessment tests: ensure your technology works, take the test when you perform the best, have pen and paper ready, read the instructions carefully, eliminate wrong answers first, avoid using outside knowledge, manage your time, and stay calm.


1. Ensure your technology works: Before starting the test, ensure that your computer, internet connection, and any required software or browser are functioning correctly. This will help prevent any technical issues that could disrupt your test-taking experience.


2. Take the test when you perform the best: Schedule your assessment test at a time of day when you feel most alert and focused. Avoid taking the test when you're tired or distracted, as this could impact your performance.


3. Have pen and paper ready: Keep a pen and paper nearby during the test to jot down notes, calculations, or key points. This can help you organize your thoughts and work through problems more efficiently.


4. Read the instructions carefully: Take the time to thoroughly read and understand the instructions for each section of the assessment test. Pay attention to any specific requirements or guidelines, as overlooking them could lead to mistakes.


5. Eliminate wrong answers first: When tackling multiple-choice questions, try to eliminate any obviously incorrect answers before making your selection. This can increase your chances of choosing the correct answer, even if you're unsure.


6. Avoid using outside knowledge: Focus solely on the information provided in the test materials, rather than relying on external knowledge or assumptions. PwC assessment tests are designed to assess your skills and abilities based on the given information.


7. Manage your time: Pace yourself throughout the test to ensure you have enough time to complete each section. Keep an eye on the clock and allocate your time wisely, prioritizing questions and sections as needed.


8. Stay calm: Stay calm and composed throughout the test, even if you encounter challenging questions or time pressure. Take deep breaths, stay positive, and trust in your preparation and abilities to guide you through the assessment successfully.


What Happens After the PwC Assessment Tests?


After you have taken the required PwC assessment tests, the next steps in the recruiting process may vary depending on the office and role you are applying for. However, there are some general steps that typically follow the PwC assessment tests:


  • Evaluation: PwC recruiters and hiring managers will review the results of your assessment tests along with other components of your application, such as your resume, cover letter, and any other required documents


  • Additional assessments: Depending on the role and the specific requirements, you may be asked to complete additional assessments or tests


  • HR interview: If you successfully pass the assessment tests, you will be invited to do a phone or video interview with an HR recruiter. You’ll be asked basic questions on your resume, interests in PwC, and discuss next steps in the interview process


  • Additional interviews: After the HR interview, you’ll go through two or more additional rounds of interviews with PwC consultants. You’ll be asked a mix of behavioral questions, motivational questions, and case interviews


  • Background check: If you pass all of your interviews, PwC will conduct a background check to verify your employment history, education credentials, and other relevant information. This process typically involves contacting your previous employers and educational institutions


  • Job offer: Once you successfully complete all stages of the recruiting process and pass the background check, you may receive a job offer from PwC. This offer will outline the terms and conditions of employment, including salary, benefits, and start date


Recommended PwC Interview Resources


Here are the resources we recommend to land a PwC consulting offer:


For help landing consulting interviews



For help passing case interviews


  • Comprehensive Case Interview Course (our #1 recommendation): The only resource you need. Whether you have no business background, rusty math skills, or are short on time, this step-by-step course will transform you into a top 1% caser that lands multiple consulting offers.



  • Hacking the Case Interview Book (available on Amazon): Perfect for beginners that are short on time. Transform yourself from a stressed-out case interview newbie to a confident intermediate in under a week. Some readers finish this book in a day and can already tackle tough cases.


  • The Ultimate Case Interview Workbook (available on Amazon): Perfect for intermediates struggling with frameworks, case math, or generating business insights. No need to find a case partner – these drills, practice problems, and full-length cases can all be done by yourself.


For help passing consulting behavioral & fit interviews


  • Behavioral & Fit Interview Course: Be prepared for 98% of behavioral and fit questions in just a few hours. We'll teach you exactly how to draft answers that will impress your interviewer.